This is a quick and dirty release of the Graffiti Wall II, The One-liner
replacement for RATSoft/ST. Please feel free to direct any questions my
way as this is not a very in-depth release.
[An updated release will follow shortly, complete with detailed documentation
and toggle-self-installing additions.]
Online list of Upload Requests for file areas.
Formerly ‘File Area Wantlist’. Updated operation – now much faster.
Instruction Text included.
[Update/Replacement for Wantlist included with new RATSoft packages.]
Comments, etc. are welcome.
By Steve Sandy.
Slightly remodified.. see script for changes.
To use: In your RATSoft TEXT folder, rename HANGUP.TXT to something like
HANGUP.OLD or whatever, then put this script in the text folder, leave it
as ‘HANGUP.SCP’ and when a user drops carrier on you, they’ll get this
new ‘warning’ about hanging up on your BBS!
This is a re-modified version of Martin Haggbom’s ‘ADS_MARK’ script.
For use with RATSoft for an online Buy & Sell.
Read the pre-script for full details!
If u want to Turn the logoff count down on/off
” Hit [SPACE] to abort, [G] to logoff now. “
” Disconnecting In… 10 “
by Martin Haggbom
This script help SysOp to keep track on wich
CDs that are online. (Great with CD-ROM Changers)
by Martin Haggbom, Sweden
Short script for the BioGraf (Biorythm) II v2.00 Door.
Works great.
Allows the user to write messages on your printer.
By Magnus Werner SilverSTone BBS!