
Quick Black List v2.0, RATSoft 2.x Scrip

Ultra fast black list script, checks the users
real name and alias whit the system black list

Greetz From The Crazy Swed

NeverEnding Story 3.8 (SCRIPT)

Script set [2 scripts] that you can put online to let your users enter, chapter by chapter, an on-going story. SysOp commands are contained in the second script. Quick ‘how to’ doc included. For RATSoft versions 2.0f+ only [Script.Rat updates Heavily Used!]
-V3.8; Brand new Backlog routine – More reliable.
By Steve Sandy. Comments, etc. are Welcome!

Logfile Manager for RATSoft, by Martin Haggbom

Keep track on your logfiles in ypur system!

Leave comment to next caller (SCRIPT)
File Request List v09/17/95 Script Set.

Online list of Upload Requests for file areas.
Formerly ‘File Area Wantlist’. Updated operation – now much faster.
Instruction Text included.
[Update/Replacement for Wantlist included with new RATSoft packages.]
Comments, etc. are welcome.
By Steve Sandy.

DreamWave’s Hangup Script v2

Slightly remodified.. see script for changes.

To use: In your RATSoft TEXT folder, rename HANGUP.TXT to something like
HANGUP.OLD or whatever, then put this script in the text folder, leave it
as ‘HANGUP.SCP’ and when a user drops carrier on you, they’ll get this
new ‘warning’ about hanging up on your BBS!

CD-ROM Manager Script 4 RATSoft v0.50

This script help SysOp to keep track on wich
CDs that are online. (Great with CD-ROM Changers)
by Martin Haggbom, Sweden

CD-ROM Disc identifyer for RATSoft, Version 2

This is a simple CD identifyer script that tells the user witch CD
disc is online in the CD ROM (Roms). This script is mayd for two CD-ROMs
but you can easy change it!

Brief EMail List v09/16/95 Script.

Logon EMail brief listing.
Instruction Text included, along with sample code.
Error in asthetics fixed.
Comments, etc. are welcome.
By Steve Sandy.

BIRTHDATE CHECKER 1.5, by Magnus Werner.

*New version!*
Script to check the birthdate of the user. Very good and many useful
functions! A must for ultimate security on your BBS!
Read the script for more information about this utility and version